Give a man a fish and you'll feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for a lifetime.

— Chinese Proverb

Our Mission

Prospect Athletics is a resource for the student-athlete journey.
We help students connect the passion with the know-how and opportunities to navigate their own paths they will forge for success. We create and promote events for the sports community, and encourage collaboration from all programs. We cut through the politics and keep the student athlete journey at the forefront.

Each journey is unique. For some, it is the athletic pinnacle of success- a professional career. Beyond the varying levels of college aspirations, others simply use athletics to launch them into life- one with confidence, character and other life-skills they’ve picked up on from the experience.

No matter where one goes on a journey, you are not alone. There are mentors, sages, and inspirations along the way. Prospect Athletics looks for them and makes sure your options and steps are before you. It’s an exciting path because it’s yours and no one else's. You simply make the choices, put in the work, and see where it takes you. We’re just honored to be a resource to help along the way.